5 Inspiring Ways To Continue Your Inner Growth From Travel At Home
Updated July 2024
Inner growth sparked by travel doesn’t have to pause when you return home.
Have you ever thought about why traveling feels so special? Maybe it’s seeing beautiful places that give you new ideas, or the fun of exploring a new city, or feeling free because nobody knows you there.
Maybe it’s learning about how people live in different places that helps you really be yourself.
When we travel, we start to think differently. We get curious and start asking questions that we wouldn’t otherwise ask ourselves if we remained in our familiar surroundings.
Then we inevitably return home, sometimes before we are ready to. You may feel like you were just getting started or that there was so much more to learn and experience out there and in your own personal growth.
In this post, I will show you how to keep using what you learned while traveling to continue your inner growth back home (and anywhere).
We’ll talk about simple ways to think about your trips and use those thoughts and experiences that made you reach new personal levels to keep getting better every day – even after the trip is over.
Ready to get started? Let’s jump in!
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5 Inspiring Ways To Continue Your Inner Growth From Travel At Home- The Practical Way
1. Seeing reverse culture shock in a way that serves you

Whether you’ve experienced reverse culture shock before recently, or at all, and it’s been months since your last trip, this is a very important point to pay attention to.
When we change our perception of FOMO (not being in X destination anymore), disorientation, confusion, and sometimes frustration that come along with returning home and feeling reverse culture shock, we are able to clear a bit of the emotions and find ways to see what those feelings actually mean.
For example, understanding what about being home after traveling triggers FOMO or any of the other feelings.
Once you realize that trigger, you’re able to view that in a different way and address it in a way that serves you.
Say, for example, you are back home, or you’ve been home for a while, missing and remembering your times abroad.
You can’t help but feel annoyed that you’re not in a place (physically) where you can meet new people and engage in stimulating and interesting conversation (as when you were traveling).
So, what do you do?
You now are aware of where this trigger is coming from, so you can then find a solution for it at home.
It’s about finding the root of those sometimes unpleasant emotions and finding a remedy for them in your current environment.
>> Read More: How To Turn Reverse Culture Shock Into A Propeller For More Travel

2. Following those inner nudges
I like to call “the nudges” those little hints, or as Oprah Winfrey likes to describe them, those whispers.
The nudges are innate feelings full of guidance, the signs we need to steer us in a certain direction for our own good and what we want.
A nudge for you could mean a sudden push to do something once you set the intention for it.
For example, taking the example from above, we can look at the possibility that once you realize that a certain trigger you experience (missing the action of meeting new people and engaging in exciting conversations with locals) can make you feel a specific emotion, can allow you some clarity on its own (discovering that).
Afterward, you may realize that you feel a nudge or push to put you closer to finding a solution to that trigger or thing you want an answer to.
It’s about setting that intention with yourself, the universe, outside of yourself, or within a meditation to find that solution.
You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes to create that specific intention (finding a solution to a trigger point in your reverse culture shock) and almost immediately being guided towards a potential solution.
These are areas of clarity because the more you do this, the more you are able to dig into those travel moments a bit deeper, and that journey in itself is where magic and clarity will come to life.
Not to mention the continuation of your inner growth.
It is almost like the sun peeking through on a cloudy day (for those readers who like imagery) ☀️☀️.
A quick practical tip to finding those travel truths or moments could be looking at old travel photos, videos, your social media posts, and even talking with those you may have traveled with (if you traveled with others).
Pick a photo, and think back to what was happening in that picture.
What happened the day leading up to that moment?
What did you learn that day? What did you see? The stories, nudges, and clarity (if you intend on this) will come your way.

3. Setting the intention
I love talking about setting the intention for something, especially when talking about travel.
Setting intentions truly helps to get the ball rolling in terms of starting to continue that inner growth from travel and at home.
Setting the intention is like saying something out loud—something you want to uncover more of—in this case, your travel experiences or a certain travel memory.
Maybe it was a moment you would never forget because an idea popped into your head about something you wanted to explore more.
Maybe it was the moments themselves, full of amazing company, an amazing view, and a feeling of pure happiness and being on top of the world.
It’s looking at those moments and discovering ways to continue feeling that way or create a similar emotion at home.
So, set the intention to find a way—or that nudge—to help you achieve clarity and continue the inner growth you started while traveling.
>> Read More: Setting The Travel Intention

4. Doing “the work”
The work involved in continuing inner growth from travel at home involves a couple of things on your part:
- Find the avenue to help you get to that clarity – i.e., meditation, reading, connecting inside a community that gets where you are in your travel and self-development journey, journaling, and getting those feelings out word for word until clarity starts to appear (it will).
- Setting the time and space for you to go about a method that works for you to start that clarity work and start exploring your travel clarity at home.

Concluding Thoughts on 5 Inspiring Ways To Continue Your Inner Growth From Travel At Home- The Practical Way
However, that ends up manifesting itself for you; it’s truly not even so much about the destination but the process/journey of getting there. I know, I know – kind of cliche, but also very true, and it goes in this situation.
Once you embark on the journey of finding clarity by continuing the inner growth that your travels inspired, you’ll start to see how that can influence where you go going forward. It is truly a pivotal moment.
This is why I think that setting yourself up to do this work is necessary.
Especially as travelers, knowing and experiencing what happens when we are truly in our elements to thrive, why wouldn’t you want to continue finding clarity at home?
You deserve to always live in this state of happiness.
To more travel moments like this ✨

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I feel the same! I get a clarity when I’m traveling for sure! I love seeing new cultures and meeting new people! Great read!
Thank you Dani! I’m so glad this resonated with you. Isn’t it amazing how new landscapes, people, and scenarios give way for some things to just fall in place? Or even fall out of place in ways we didn’t know we needed?