Features: Free Interviews, Podcast Episodes, and Guest Posts
Here you can find some of the features I’ve been part of on some other amazing places on the internet, with other amazing travel content creators. Have a browse and go deeper on some topics written on the blog.
Gutsy Travel Talks – Maritza From Studying Abroad to Teaching English Overseas
In this 40-minute interview with Natali from The Gutsy Latina on her YouTube series Gutsy Latina Travel Talk, we talk about all things studying abroad and teaching English abroad.
We cover everything from my journey of studying abroad in college to Greece, to making the decision to move abroad again, for a longer period of time, this time to teach English abroad.
I also cover briefly the step-by-step process of applying to teach English abroad, the requirements, and the possibilities that open up when taking advantage of travel opportunities.
>> Read More: The Honest Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad That No One Talks About – and How To Do It!
>> Read More: The Professional and Personal Benefits of Teaching English Abroad – and How To Do It!
Dreams Abroad LIVE – Travel That Transforms with Maritza Chavez
An hour-long conversation between the founder of Dreams Abroad, Leesa Truesdell, and myself where we talked about and broke down what transformative travel is, and how traveling to foreign countries forces us to return back to a child-like sense of wonder.
Travel is transformative in that it allows us to step outside our comfort zones, and learn more about ourselves and what it means after the travels are over.
Click to watch above!
>> Read More: What is Transformative Travel? It Might Be Your Answer To The Post-Travel Blues
Women of Color In Travel IGTV Interview with Cindy From Ella Pocketbook – a sustainable travel bag company – Transformative Travel with Maritza
A conversation with Cindy from Ella Pocketbook is all about transformative travel, what it is, how it can help you as a guide in everyday life, and how to begin viewing travel as an exercise for self-development.
Below is the pre and post transformative travel journal template that I speak about in the interview to help guide your transformative travel experience, from the moment you’re packing your suitcase to the moment you’re back home. Yours for free, just leave me your name and email down below.
>> Read More: What Is Transformative Travel? How To Experience Incredible Personal Growth On Your Next Trip!
>> Read More: Still Not Sure About What Transformative Travel Is? Click Here To Read A Few More Examples
OUTLOOK Magazine – Travel as a Form of Self Development and Creating a Travel Mindset For Everyday Life

One of the topics that I speak of in the magazine is how to create and cultivate a reflection of your travels, whether it’s during the lockdown pandemic, or it’s those moments after a trip you’ve just had.
Reflecting on your travels is a form of learning from them, and it’s so important to set time aside to do that because your travels may just have something to teach you.
Take the time to slow down, think back on past journeys, and fill re-inspired by those moments that were etched in your memory.
What can you learn about those moments and what about those travel moments made them so special and unforgettable?
What does it mean for you?
>> Read More: Travel Reflections: 7 Ways To Allow The Magic Of Travel In Your Life
>> Read More: Travel Is A State Of Mind – Learn How To Tap Into It Yourself!
Podcast interview with Business Coach Lauren Saunders – Leaping Before The Net Has Appeared + The Power of Alignment Before Action with Maritza Chavez
In this powerful conversation, I chat with Lauren Saunders, whom I’ve had the pleasure to work with, to discuss the power of taking a leap of faith and having the net appear when you do that.
I speak about my experience leaping into the unknown with my blog, travel, and how to manifest travel based on my experience creating magical travel experiences, even before I knew about manifestation.
If this is a topic of interest for you, I have created a freebie to help you visualize and manifest the travels of your dreams. Click down below to gain access.
>> Read More: How To Visualize In Your Mind The Perfect Trip – And Then Go
Podcast interview with Travel Blogger Ivana Skoric – Transformative Travel & Manifesting Travel Using Visualization with Maritza Chavez
One of the topics that we spoke about on the podcast “Use That Passport” with Ivana was how to create transformative travel experiences, and how that may look different for everyone.
Essentially transformative travel is the intention of wanting to travel in a deeper way that allows you to experience some sort of change or shift, that you can implement into your life, even after the physical trip is over.
The benefits of this are extremely positive for your self-development, and in my experience massively important in my own self-development journey to gain clarity, courage, and validation for myself of what it is that I want my life to look like.
If you’re also wanting to create your own transformative travel experience for your next trip, check out these transformative travel journal prompts to help guide your mind, intentions, and transformative travel experiences.
I created them myself, these are questions that I ask myself, and today they are yours for free.
>> Read More: How I Manifested A Trip To Greece – And How You Can Too!
Another topic we dove into was how to navigate fear around traveling, and I give my advice on how to manage that.
The truth is, we all do experience fears and anxieties around travel to some capacity, because when we travel, we put ourselves outside of our comfort zones, literally and metaphorically, so it is completely normal to feel this way.
And better yet there is a way to help yourself and begin your journey to subconsciously rewire your brain to feel confident when traveling.
Download my Traveler Affirmations that I created to help you by repeating these empowering affirmations to yourself whether you’re on a flight, or you’re navigating foreign streets and feeling fears about getting lost.
However fear may manifest, you’re set with these traveler affirmations. Download them for free below.
Podcast Interview with Travel Blogger Jeanine (Le Wild Explorer) and Travel Podcaster Martha from Oh My Travel Podcast – Traveling Your Backyard & Things with Maritza
This was an interview where I got to speak with the ladies of Oh My Travel Podcast about little gems in the midwest to check out, the importance of local travel, and how much there is in our own backyard, no matter where it is in the world where we live.
Truly a fun, lighthearted, but informative episode that is good to check out, especially if you’re looking into traveling to the Midwest!