Free Travel Stuff. Travel Planning Freebies. All of them.
A collection of free travel stuff – resources, freebies, guides, and more to make your travels (at any point) smoother. Enjoy!
Activating The Travel Mindset
Other than the “I don’t have money to travel” myth is this unwritten rule that says that once we return back from our travels, we have to “snap back” into reality.
Whatever that is. As if traveling the world wasn’t real lol.
How annoying right?
What if you could continue tapping into the feeling(s) of travel?
The moments that took your breath away, the moments that helped you grow, the realizations that expanded your mind unlike anything – the moments and feelings of possibilities!
What if you could create your own Travel Mindset?
A feeling and overall lifestyle that can allow you to continue that spark for life, if you will, that can often feel when you are traveling.
Download my FREE Activate the Travel Mindset guide to get started with the foundational questions to ask yourself when establishing your own version of the Travel Mindset, and what that looks and feels like for you.
The Curious Traveler Mindset Checklist
You’re a traveler who loves to explore the depths and the why’s of the world. You don’t take what is as an answer, you always have to know more.
I get it – I am that person too.
You want a few guiding prompts to help you pick out which activities you *actually* want to participate in, instead of what is recommended.
But how?
Click below to receive my FREE checklist called the Curious Traveler Mindset Checklist, and begin creating your ideal itinerary with the prompts inside, and customize it to the activities available in the destination you’ll be going to!
Traveler Affirmations
You want to explore the world, travel solo one day, create your own memories, and have those stories that make you feel fulfilled and like you actually lived your life to the fullest.
I totally understand, we all do!
But the thing stopping you from going after creating those memories all over the world is a fear of the unknown – being lonely, getting lost, or not feeling 100% sure that you can do it (which you 100% CAN just fyi).
I get it!
I was there, and no one is born with this innate 100% confidence in themselves when they travel.
Something that’s helped me has been creating affirmations whenever I find myself in a challenging situation of doubt – especially self-doubt (ohh yes this one).
You can create your amazing, soul-fulfilling travel memories, meet the amazing people, and stay at all the places you’ve always wanted to stay in starting NOW.
By creating a story different from the one you’ve probably repeated over and over again in the past that’s kept you in the same mindset.
Click below to receive your FREE copy of my Traveler Affirmations to start changing your story and start boosting your confidence starting with your beliefs!
Los Pueblos Mágicos de México – The Magical Towns of México Visual Map
Planning a trip to México? Looking for something more authentic to the culture?
Mexican Pueblos Mágicos (Mexican magical towns) is a campaign initiated by the Mexican board of tourism, along with regional and state agencies, that was created in an effort to promote tourism throughout various towns throughout México that are often overlooked, but hold the “magical” qualities of Méxican culture – the beauty of México that makes it unique.
Click below to get my Magical Towns of México Visual Map which will help you when planning your trip throughout México, by giving you a “birds eye view” of all 121 Mexican towns, and showing exactly how many are in each state.
Plan your visit to any part of México and know ahead of time which Magical towns are nearby for a day trip! It’s the most simplified map out there, and it’s yours FOR FREE.
3 Travel Mindset Shifts to Start NOW
The topmost common reason why people don’t travel? “I don’t have money to travel” – buuut is that REALLY it?
I don’t think it is.
This excuse has become so worn out by so many people that say it, that regardless of if it’s really that or another underlying reason, it doesn’t really matter because people will just say this.
However that’s not going to give you the life of travel and freedom that you actually desire, is it now?
Download my guide 3 Travel Mindset Shifts to Start NOW to help you look at your current mindset, in order to reframe it, and allow more travel opportunities to become more apparent, as you become aware of the myths that may have believed to be truth this whole time.
The Lighthouses of Door County
Traveling to Door County? Make beautiful memories on Wisconsin’s “Cape Cod” of the Midwest!
Leave me your email to receive the cheat sheet guide to your self-guided Lighthouse tour of Door County!
SIM Cards 101
Planning a trip abroad and wondering how you can stay connected?
Post that IG story?
Send that WhatsApp message?
I got you!
There are many types of SIM cards available out there, and it can get overwhelming!
That’s why I created the SIM Cards 101 cheat sheet to help guide your process.
It’s yours for FREE just leave me your email and name below!
How to make anything – cheat sheet guide
Cooking is not only a necessity but also a way to escape the every day, you feel me?
What if you could recreate your favorite dish that you tried abroad?
That paella?
The chicken vindaloo?
The gyros with tzatziki?
You can!!
This guide is created as an introduction to the way in which you can easily cook and create international dishes from near and far, and bring them to your home.
Not only that but how recreating international dishes is an overall opportunity to understand, learn, and experience a culture from a different perspective.
In-flight essentials cheat sheet
Packing a carry-on soon?
No matter the distance of the journey, you need to be prepared and know just the things to bring!
Download my In-flight essentials cheat sheet packed with the essentials, plus room to add more of yours for future reference.
Don’t think about it any more than you have to!
The Chicago Day Trip List
Planning a trip to Chicago soon?
Want to step outside the city a little bit, and explore more of Chicagoland?
You won’t want to miss this list I created with the best day trip ideas, as well as the best way to get to them, transportation.
Slow Travel Cheat Sheet
So you want to experience slow traveling, but maybe you have time restrictions and other commitments that don’t allow you?
Is it possible to travel slowly in one week’s time?
It sounds like the opposite of what it is supposed to be, right?
Anything is possible, and I break down exactly the way you can make even a week-long trip somewhere, one full of slow travel qualities.
Download the FREE Slow Travel Cheat Sheet below!
The 3 Things Your Reverse Culture Shock Is Trying To Tell You
We are sometimes super quick to jump from being on a vacation to immediately trying to readapt back home, and then feel frustrated for not being able to readjust back home.
The truth is, your reverse culture shock is trying to tell you something.
That discomfort that you feel is for a reason, and no it’s not just that you were in different time zones – it’s something that needs more uncovering, more interest, and more understanding from your part.
Click below to download my guide to help you find the 3 Things Your Reverse Culture Shock Is Trying To Tell You.
Virtually travel from home with this cheat sheet!
Feeling stuck and bored at home, especially when you can’t travel freely and explore the world on your own?
I FEEL you, I have been there.
So let me help you with this cheat sheet that I’ve made with some REALLY cool website/museums, tours, YouTube channel recommendations, and even a resource to access virtual clubbing…yes you read that right, make sure to check out down below!
Conversation starter prompts to use with locals
Going to Madrid or just traveling soon?
Want to make friends while you’re there?
Of course, you do! Who doesn’t want to make connections and meet wonderful new people when they travel, right?
Well, I have got the cheat sheet for you! I created the Conversation Starters cheat sheet to help you with prompts to “break the ice” and start chatting with locals, so you don’t have to figure them out on the spot.
Take a glance at them, and keep them in the back of your mind as you meet people on your travels!
Check it out FREE below!
How To Find The Perfect Gift For Anyone – A Gift Guide
Sometimes it’s just hard to find a gift for our loved ones…or is it?
I really look for gifts that are meaningful, unique, and thought about with the person in mind.
I think that is what determines a gift from being something that the person will actually enjoy and use from something that will just become clutter.
So with that in mind, I decided to help others with the same thought by creating this FREE list with 7 of my BEST tips to help you find a gift for literally anyone on your list, which I think can really be helpful to you if you’re searching for gift ideas.
I offer a few different ways of seeing the whole gift picking process, so definitely be sure to check it out by leaving me your name and email down below!
Holiday Travel Packing List Of Items To Bring On Board
Planning a trip around the holiday season?
Don’t lose your mind over traveling around this crazy time, and instead, pack ahead of time and plan out what you’re in-flight essentials bag will carry and help carry you through busy airports and possible delays.
Check out my FREE Holiday Travel Packing List Of Items To Bring On Board to help you take one less thing off your mind!
The Travel Visualization Workbook
You want to start traveling the world and creating your memories, but you don’t know where to start.
Maybe it’s the money.
Maybe it’s the mindset.
Maybe it’s both?
If you nodded to both, I got the perfect resource for you.
A simplified way to help you visualize and get real on alllll these travel details in a step by step format to plan your trip like a pro, and get you to prioritize travel more in your life! You can reutilize this workbook and its prompt questions for future travels too if you’d like even!
Leave me your email and name down below and look for it in your inbox – all yours FO FREE!
Seriously, you don’t want to miss THIS one.
The Chicago Christmas Day Itinerary Guide
Chicago is undoubtedly a place to spend Christmas in (NY don’t come for us ?) but in all seriousness – there’s a reason why movies like Home Alone, Office Christmas Party, Holidate, and The Santa Clause (although filmed in Toronto, it was set in Lakeview, Illinois) either take place or are actually filmed in Chicago and Illinois in general.
There’s just an undeniable Christmas feel in the air here in the Windy City.
Click down below to download my FREE The Chicago Christmas Day Itinerary Guide to help guide your itinerary in Chicago a bit more, the next time you visit us during this season.
All yours for FREE – just leave me your name and email and I’ll send it right over.
How to be a good houseguest
Are you visiting a friend and crashing at their place?
Awesome! What a great friend you have. But what do you bring? Or what is the etiquette?
They’re your friend, but you’re crashing at their place. Maybe they’re married so it’s not like you’re just crashing at a friends place. What does one do??
No worries, I got you. I created this FREE resource for you to take the guesswork out of what to do/bring/behave while being a guest in someones home, and making the experience pleasant for all.
Click below to check out this awesome FREE resource!
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To more travel resources that help make your travels smoother than smooth ✨✈️

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